quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2014

New me

I decided that I need to chance my lifestyle. It happened because the mirror told me that I'm way over the acceptable when it comes to weight matters.

After getting married I forgot to take care of me. I have now 20 kg more than I had in feb. 2012. It's about 10 kg per year. Where am I going to get this way? The change must come and now is the time.

I wanto to introduce to myself the new me! I am going to be different and writing this words in this blog is my first step. I want to have a record of my progress and if I consider to give up in any moment I want to have a place to look at to see when and why I decided to go back to my 85 kg.

I need to understand that these 85 kg are over my ideal weight, but is my goal. I wanto to go back to the body I had when I got married. I had a neck, I had some shape to feel confident about, and now I don't. Sometimes I wonder how can my wife love me when she looks at me and that makes me feel terrible, because as a man I look at the outside instead of looking in the inside.

To change my outside, I am opening myself to change my inside first, to bring into words what I feel and make a change in what I have to change.

Yesterday we went to Vitória to do the montly grocery shopping and in the end of the night, after 11pm when we finished my wife told me she was starving, I wasn't but she was. After searching some places we end up in a burger house where she asked for a regular burger and I, as a freaking fat bastard, choose the big boy. After eating that I regretted, even before finishing. I don't need to eat that much... I was already full but I still having that erroneous concept that if I paid for something I have to go till the end. WRONG!!

I had to drive 2 hours until get back home, and all the time I was thinking about all of this... I need to change because if I don't I have no idea about where I go this way. I could simply became fatter and end up getting in the surgery to reduce my stomach, but I don't want it, because I know that if I don't change who I am inside I'll never be able to change my outside.

My jeans have holes in the middle of my legs, some of my shirts wont fit anymore, I can't see my neck, my watchs are too tight, my weading ring is too tight, by belly is too big and I don't like what I see in the mirror.

I saw some tips of what to do to change my lifestyle and I want to place some in action right away.. I wont be coming here every day and tell stories of miracle diets I found or that I'm doing some crazy reductions in my eating habits or even that I ran 10 km in one day... If I get to walk some 1 km with my dog I'll be pleased, If I get to avoid using oil in my cooking I'll be pleased, It I get to reduce the amount of rice and other fat food I'll be pleased... If I get to eat in the right moments I'll be pleased.
Change must come to my life and It will be one step at a time. This is the first, in the next chapters I'll be telling my progress. Today I'll pick a pharmacy and check on my weight this will be the beginning of the new me.